Site Premiere October 19, 2001
Currently 41 stories listed in 15 separate fandoms
updated 12/10/02

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rosa's hurt-comfort stories link collection (slash and gen)



This genre is often gen, though there is also excellent h/c slash. I'm addicted enough that what I really want is both great hurt/comfort and a slash ending, but I'll take the former, especially if the hurt goes both ways -- great physical pain for one partner, great emotional pain for the other partner, massive miscommunication and near death experiences -- without the latter. But the perfect h/c story for me has both. For some reason, this can be hard to find. Here's what I've found so far. This list is by no means comprehensive. These are links to stories that hit my kink, give me that little something that only h/c can. Please feel free to send me your faves, too.

Authors: if you don't want your story linked here, please email me and I will remove the link. If you'd like to recommend a story be linked here, email me.

Readers: feedback makes the world go 'round.

My non-h/c rec page can't be found.



TS -- Without Love by Josephine Darcy (pre slash)
Jim heard Blair scream, felt a bone-jarring weight hit him, and then he was falling. He hit the ground roughly as the overpowering scent of blood filled his nostrils. The dead weight of his Guide on top of Jim registered with the realization that there was indeed an even more complete sacrifice Blair was willing to make for his sake. 7/02

MfU -- Anything by Lee The T (slash)
Napoleon heard another explosion and the wall beside the stairs disintegrated, raining noise and debris on them. Illya grabbed his arm and the two agents dove to the side as the wall collapsed in a roar. Napoleon lay stunned for a moment, on his face, ears ringing and eyes full of plaster dust. He moved his arms carefully, pulled the dust-coated handkerchief from his face and lifted himself up. Bruised but not badly hurt; a few chunks of wood and plaster fell off him as he got up, scanning the dust-and-smoke filled room for his partner. 5/02

MfU -- The Virus Affair by P.R. Zed (slash)
This is the third in a series, all are wonderful and h/c : The Baltic Affair and The See Lubyanka and Die Affair
For Illya, the worst part of this moment was not being trapped in a sealed room with three members of Thrush and no weapon. No, the worst part was the fact that all three Thrush were wearing the type of biohazard suits you only saw in the type of lab that worked on the most virulent sorts of diseases. The kind of diseases that were only whispered about, even in medical circles. The kind of diseases that could make the Black Plague look like chicken pox. 4/02

K/S -- The World Turned Upside Down by Jenna Hilary Sinclair (slash)
No matter how many times he saw it, Vulcan blood was always a shock. A smear of bright green led him around the wreckage of what might have been a motorscooter to his first officer. Encircling his tricorder as if it were precious, life-giving, Spock was curled up in a ball on the ground.

ST:TOS -- Blues for Allah by Greywolf the Wanderer (gen) (Spock and Uhura)
Inside Copernicus she could hear a faint murmuring; Spock was dreaming, perhaps, or maybe hallucinating. The last time she'd gone to check on him she hadn't been able to fully rouse him. For a few hours the steroid injection had helped, but then he'd begun to decline again. There was no more oxygen left, and she didn't dare give him a stimulant. His pulse was slowing, his blood pressure gradually dropping -- he was simply fading, despite everything she could do.

S/H -- A Fine Storm by Suzie Lovett (slash)
Starsky's eyes opened. They were clear and calm now, and the lack of fear in them scared Hutch more than anything. The hand in his moved a little. Hutch loosened his hold enough to sense which direction it wanted to move, then brought it up to his face.

K/S -- Shelter and its sequel, Poses by Leslie Fish. (slash)
...Spock lying limp and bleeding with his head in Kirk's lap, and Kirk ignoring his own cuts and bruises as he gently wiped dust and sweat and green blood from Spock's closed eyes.

S/H -- The True Brother by Abigail Crabtree (slash)
He slowly approached the bed where his partner's naked body lay. His mind could not even began to comprehend what was he was seeing. His partner lay there so still, bleeding and broken. Starsky's mind was reeling, he couldn't seem to find the strength to make a move.


H:TLJ -- Measure of a Man by Valentine (slash)
To his three companions, it was like watching a hideously real re-enactment of the duel performed with Xena for Ares’ benefit a day earlier, as Iolaus looked disbelievingly at the soldier and crumpled to the ground. The soldier held his bloody sword aloft in triumph, and Hercules went berserk.

TS -- Ordeal by Martha (gen)
Jim ignored him. Now that he knew what he was looking for, it wasn't hard to find. A closed metal trashcan labeled medical waste was in the corner of the lab, and the hypodermic was inside. He picked it up gingerly, holding it close enough to detect the coppery tang of Blair's blood. The smell of the drug was far stronger. He turned, the syringe in hand. "What is it? What did you give him?"


H:TLJ Darkness Visible Revisited by Martha Wilson (gen) (Thanks to Lynn for sending me the link)
Iolaus tried to stand but his head swam and his legs refused to support him. Blinking at the fog clouding his vision, he saw Hercules drop to his knees in front of him. The demigod grabbed him by the shoulders, lifting him up. The enormity of what had happened was just beginning to sink in. He wasn't dead but he had been bitten -- infected -- by a strygoi. Iolaus gasped, "You'll have to kill me." 4/02

AS&J -- Nights in the Wilderness by Tenaya (slash) warning brutal
He sighed and thumped his head against the wall as he tried to figure the odds, ignoring his headache. The bottom line was that if Curry had escaped the bullet, where was he? At least a day had gone by and Heyes was still a prisoner. He knew Curry and he knew if he was able, the Kid would have freed him by now. Unless he had tried and failed when Heyes was unconscious. Or maybe he was wounded, lying hurt and bleeding somewhere in the wilderness. That possibility frightened Heyes and he tugged at his bonds again. He had to get out of here, not just for himself, but more importantly, he had to find out about the Kid!


PM The Waking by Anne Carr and Emrin Alexander (slash)
All he could see was blood. Bright red, pulsing, intestines spilling out onto his hands. Every time he closed his eyes, anytime he didn't focus away, the scene was there. Dark lashes on pale cheeks, mind link shut down...He rubbed his face, twice, fiercely. Face it, Qui-Gon, the mind link was down before Obi-Wan was hit.

SG -- Drowning by Sealie (gen)
Teal’c was already flipping the archaeologist onto his back as Jack and Applegate bobbed up beside them. Both teams tried to help. Daniel resembled a wax effigy. Amazingly, a feeble pulse flickered against Jack’s fingertips; but no breath stirred the body. Treading water, Teal’c supported their friend. Jack knew that time was of the essence. He tipped Daniel’s head back over Teal’c’s arm, pinched his nose shut and breathed into his mouth. 7/02

SG -- Bug Catchers by Hellblazer (slash)
Daniel slowly stepped closer, eyes widening. "We're not too late," he realised. "He's still alive." Jack's heart was still beating. Daniel could see it twitching clearly. This wasn't an autopsy, it was a vivisection. Jack's head moved.

TS -- Five Compressions: Breathe by Maygra (pre-slash)
Jim listened. Nothing. Nothing but the air hissing in and out under artificial means, the same with the heart, irregular flutters of almost unnoticeable sound even for Jim's Sentinel abilities. But he knew the body, the form, the scent. The *presence* of the man laying so still and quiet.... 12/01

WW -- Written by Marguerite (gen)
You finger your pocket because your notebook is in there and you want to make sure it stays with you. It's the stuff about Josh, the words that spilled out of your unsteady pen on the press helicopter this morning, the words you wrote just in case.
Like taking an umbrella to make sure it doesn't rain, you write your best friend's obituary to keep him from dying before you get home.

E! -- Better Off Forgotten by D. Kelley(gen) (Thanks to Sandy D. for sending me the updated link)
Then the Earth was ominously silent and still for an instant, and Roy shook his head to clear it as he got up and spun around, scanning for the source of the noise. When he saw it, for another long second his mind refused to comprehend what he was seeing. The tree where he and Johnny had been standing was now smoking, with a white streak splitting it lengthwise up high and running in a colorless scar down the trunk. And Johnny was on the ground. Not getting up. Not moving.

SG -- Rainmaker by Momoftoad (gen) loads o' medical detail
Suddenly Daniel's eyes fluttered open. They were glazed but only for a moment. He blinked hard, squeezing them closed and open again, wide, filled with terror. His arms shot up to his head, but the Frasier grabbed one and the nurse, Terry, the other, slapping both arms down on the bed.

SG -- Sense of Touch by Bren Anders (gen)
Suddenly he gave a cry of pain and doubled over so sharply I nearly lost my grip on him. I caught him before he hit the ground and his eyes were wide with panic and pain as they locked with mine. "Oh, God! Jack! It hurts, it hurts... I think I'm gonna..."


dS -- The Fan by Manna LaDroit (slash)
The detective backed away, looking at the floor and turning his shoulder to Benny. The livid bite mark, the other bruises, the cut of fingernails on that olive skin. Pale, square hands that seemed to Fraser rudely unmarked, unbruised, reached for Ray, shaking and desperate. "Back off, Benny." The words would have reassured Fraser if they'd been hissed or grunted in simple anger, but they were only whispered. God, his stomach hurt and his body ached and he was going to lose his mind. Somehow, he couldn't stop thinking of a trip through the northern woods over Ray's back, singing and talking about food and never a single complaint about the burden he had become. 7/02

SV -- Mercy by Koi (slash)
It stopped pacing and turned to him suddenly. "You're more damaged than you let on, to anyone back in Smallville. To anyone anywhere, right?" Lex sat on the ottoman, holding his plate. He was still damp from the shower, and found himself wondering if the brandy glass he'd just set on the floor were really necessary. Easier just to carry the bottle. "Oh, is the chameleon sliding into psychiatrist mode tonight? Regardless of your other tortures, we never forced you to sit through any mental health professionals with questionnaires." He lifted a forkful of salmon, inspected it idly. "Perhaps that was a mistake." 7/02

Sexual Comfort

TPM -- The Best Medicine by Russett MacMillan (slash) (Thanks to elf for the updated link)
He opened his eyes and brushed a finger down the undamaged right half of Qui-Gon's face, trying to ignore the livid bruises and cuts on the disfigured other half. He could feel consciousness barely beginning to return, a stirring along their bond. Shunting his worst fears off to a corner of his mind, he reached out to his master.

SN -- Crashing With The Waves by Anna-Maria Jennings (slash)
At the hospital, they were whisked through appallingly bright white corridors and into a waiting room with mauve and off-blue furniture. They were waiting for the doctor who'd seen Dan to finish rounds so he could talk to them. They didn't even know if Dan was stable yet. Casey tried to pace, but his legs were unsteady and Natalie kept glaring at him. He finally sat, hard, on a couch that looked like two of the uncomfortable chairs pushed together. (Note: this story may belong in another category, it's an established relationship story and seemed to fit here best. I am open to suggestions for other categories: email me!)

Sexual Hurt

K/S The Other One by Greywolfe (slash)
Whatever that one had injected him with had been making him dizzy and nauseous ever since. Every time he'd tried to meditate he had been forced to stop, his mind reeling, his stomach in rebellion. He hadn't eaten anything yet; he hadn't dared to try. It had taken all of his energy simply to act as if nothing was wrong. 11/01

TPM -- Pretazeneu by TJ (slash)
He tried to calm himself, find his center, but it was difficult. His entire body throbbed in pain. The remnants of his soul shuddered in remembered humiliation. But he pushed on regardless. He had no choice. If he failed it would mean more than his own life. If he failed Obi-Wan would spend the rest of his days trapped inside his own body.

Pros -- Wide Awake (All Out of Faith) by Brenda Antrim (slash)
He shook his head, hard, and splashed water over his face, rinsing and spitting, watching the tap water swirl away down the hole. He had to get his head together. Had to find out who, and why, and where, and get Doyle back.
Whatever there was left of Doyle to get back, anyway.


M7(ATF) -- Saving Grace by Maygra (slash)
Vin tried to twist and only managed to re-inflame his whole body, the pain nauseating him. His back felt on fire and slick and cold all at the same time. He wanted to scream but all that came out was a whimper, and he felt Juarez's hand slide on his skin. He dropped his head in exhaustion, blearily fascinated by the red streaks Juarez's finger left across his ribs and belly. 12/01

HL -- Revenant by Rachael Sabotini and MacGeorge (slash)
For a moment it was as though blood was leaking right out of the tips of her fingers, but it was Methos' blood that flowed as she dug her hands deeper and deeper into his flesh. He gasped, gagged, and his head fell back, but he did nothing to stop her, nothing to defend himself. As if he were hypnotized, he remained still, only the visible tension in his back and arms betraying the effort it took to remain immobile. 12/01

TPM -- Waiting Place by Rachael Sabotini (slash)
Scars. From waist to chest, Qui-Gon's body was covered in scars. Not tiny ones, not the scars from laser burns or knives or blasters or anything that Obi-Wan could remember seeing but...scars shaped like animals and trees, sitting, standing, or in flight--
All of them beautiful.

HL -- Abomination by Maygra (gen)
What part of Methos’ skin was not stained crimson and brown was gray, skin ice cold, dark hair stiff. His arms were bound underneath him and Cain had used MacLeod's trick with Vash, impaling the broad chest with a stainless steel spike. The healing energy danced around it like little blue electric caterpillars, unable to heal the damaged organ fully, only enough to bring Methos right to the edge of life then lose again as the blood continued to drain away.

SG -- Ripples by ELG (gen)
Each time I hit the door and said his name, I waited, hoping to hear him yelling mine right back at me. Each time when all I got in reply was silence, my heart sank a little lower. He'd been their prisoner for so damned long and all it would take was for someone to get careless, a bit heavy-handed, and Daniel went from being 'persuaded' to being dead.

TS -- Plank by Martha (gen)
A key turned in the lock. Hinges squeaked. Lights blazed out, and Blair hid his face in his hands. Not just because he was afraid. Not just because of how painful the light was after so many hours in the dark. The main reason he covered his eyes was because he knew there was something in the room with him that he absolutely did not want to see.

SG -- Summons by Rather (gen)
O'Neill grasped his shoulder again and shook it a little. "Stay with me." Jackson gasped in pain and tried to pull away. His breath suddenly hitched and gurgled. He coughed out a mouthful of blood and moaned weakly. Jack winced in sympathy. He knew how much it hurt to cough with broken ribs. He gently took hold of Jackson's head, turned it a little more to the side. "Come on, buddy. Spit all that crap out." Jackson's eyelids fluttered and opened just a bit. Obediently he spit out just a little more fluid. He moaned again, louder, and tried to wrap his arms around his middle. "Okay. That's better. Take it easy."

HL -- Breathing Sorrows by Rachel Sabotini and Megan Kent (slash)
The barest of touches along Mac's face brought a flicker of pain to Duncan's eyes, and Methos pulled his hand away, unsure of MacLeod's reaction. The torture may not have killed MacLeod, but there was no reason to believe that he was still sane.


When We Were Young

E! -- Conquer the Past -- by D. Kelley (gen)
"That's not who you are, either," Roy replied. "That's who you were. And that scared little kid--who by the way, don't forget, had good reason to be scared--that scared little kid grew up into the man who's able to be the Fearless Rescue Hero, the Amazing Adventurer, better than most men I know. Maybe that's part of the reason why. Because that little kid was a lot stronger than you give him credit for."


Wilderness (or otherwise away from civilization)

SN -- You Get What You Need by Cori Lannam (slash)
"Kim didn't answer and a hint of concern wiggled its way into Casey's brain. "Something's happened with Dan and Natalie," she said just as he was about to demand an answer. "It sounds pretty bad."
He sat absolutely still while a few of his internal organs tried to spontaneously rearrange themselves in his gut and his heartbeat became unnaturally loud. Then he was out of his chair and out the door before he even realized he was moving."

SG -- Weather Patterns by Kate (gen)
Experimentally he flexed his wrist, thankful there was no damage, but concerned the pain he'd experienced was rooted in the fragile area. A thin, jagged line scored his palm, dotted with welling beads of blood and yellow dust. Self-consciously, he wiped his hand on his pants.

TPM -- Mos C'ethra by DBKate (pre-slash)
He was in a constant state of delirium and there was nothing I could do, nothing I could say that would either calm or console him. Instead, I rode wave after wave of madness, praying that whatever bits of clarity snatched from his once brilliant mind could be put to some use.

SG -- Fire and Ice by ELG (slash)
It happened so fast O'Neill had only a blur of images and sounds: the shriek of metal, Carter's cry of warning, Teal'c throwing out a hand as though he could reach Daniel despite the ten feet still between them, the white metal twisting and buckling, Daniel being hurled over the handrail as the bridge collapsed underneath him. The sound of his desperate yell of Daniel's name was drowned out by the thunderous crash of the bridge smashing into the ice; the ice cracking like a rifle shot and Daniel sinking into the black water beneath the broken white surface.

Fandoms represented

Alias Smith and Jones (AS&J) | Due South (dS) | Emergency (E!) | Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (H:TLJ) | Highlander (HL) | Magnificient 7 | Man From UNCLE (MfU) | The Phantom Menace (TPM) | The Professionals (Pros) | The Sentinel (TS) | Smallville (SV) | Stargate SG-1 (SG) | Starsky and Hutch (S/H) | Star Trek The Original Series (K/S) | The West Wing (WW) |