~Vid Recs ~
E - H


updated September 5, 2008


No Pain, No Fear, No Hate (No Broken Hearts), by P.R. Zed


added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary


Why you should watch this

I'd never seen Equilbrium the first time I saw this vid, and it recruited me right in, watching this man slowly breaking free of his isolating, alienating world -- it freaked me out, how unemotional and isolating his world was. I spent the entire vid rooting for him to figure it out and break free. Having seen the movie since, the vid still really works for me. P.R. Zed did a great job of capturing the heart of the movie here.

Where to find it

(Site requires a password; just follow the instructions on the page)



Ecstatic Drum Trip, by Luminosity


added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary


Why you should watch this

My gut reaction, every time I see this, is "whoa" -- it's fast, flowing, and beautiful, and takes full advantage of Farscape's surreality. But it's more than just a visual feast. The audio cut-ins for "Time" and all of the time-related phrases build to a final, striking phrase (matched with the visual) that helps structure the vid inside its frame. The whole thing starts with Crichton in a spacesuit literally spinning out of control as he's flung through a wormhole into the Farscape universe, and as he learns to accep the chaos and insanity around it, he slowly gains more and more control over it until he finally ends, in a space suit, creating and controlling the wormholes that had once uprooted him. This is just fantastically done.

Where to find it

Download (in the Multiverse section)

Stream (Imeem)


Enormous Penis, by Hank

(gen. ish.)

added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary


Why you should watch this

*hearts vid* This is fabulously, perfectly D'Argo, and it makes me happy every time I see it. I don't have anything more complicated to say than that: this is a vid that will make you happy, and you should watch it.

Caveat spectator: *points to vid title* Probably not something you want to be blasting out of your speakers at work. The vid itself is worksafe, but... the song, not so much, depending on your boss.

Where to find it



Adiemus, by Birgit


added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

This is a beautiful song made by the artists of the same name; the mind behind the group is a musician named Karl Jenkins. I thought this song was very much in keeping with with the epic scope that Farscape can sometimes convey, and I really wanted to bring that across in this video, especially as an extraordinary experience for an "ordinary" human being. (Not to mention the great special effects, too! *g*)

Why you should watch this

This vid has stuck in my head for years, ever since the first time I saw it. Birgit works beautifully with the music, using a structure that makes sense and pulls you along -- distinct sections about different aspects that make up Farscape that build on each other as she brings you through, and with everything tying everything into Crichton's journey. This is just gorgeous -- sweeping and epic and human.

Where to find it




Cathain, by Jill


added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary


Why you should watch this

Just -- wow.

On first viewing, this is all about visual sweep -- color and speed and motion. t's breathtaking on that level, with an often-soaring (Gaelic) vocal line and planes that, well, take your breath away. They're WWI bi-planes, fighting it out in the skies, violent and graceful and staggeringly beautiful.

There are people, too -- fighter pilots, two of whom are clearly connecting very strongly -- but on that first viewing that's about as much as I knew about them.

Jill's cutting is flawless, and she's not afraid to cut incredibly quick and short if the vid calls for it, dipping in and out of scenes so fast in places you don't even consciously register what you're seeing. There was an effect for me in some places as though I was catching stuff out of the corner of my eye for a split second, which, wow.

It makes it hard to follow the story on the first couple of viewings, but it adds tremendously to the motion of the vid, making the shots on the ground of the characters swoop and stutter like the planes and guns duking it out in the air scenes. It also matched the pace of the music perfectly; it flows beautifully without being jarring at all.

The more I watched the vid, the more I got from it, until I was blown away by the storytelling as well as the visuals. It's all about love and loss and vengeance, with huge chunks of this vid happening in a matter of seconds in "real" (movie) time -- almost the entire vid is a flashback (or a rapid series of flashbacks, more accurately), framed by a few "real time" clips.

Seriously, just -- wow. Watch this one at the highest quality you can manage.

Where to find it

(Site is password-protected - email a request, and an autoresponder will send you the password immediately.)

Stream (Imeem)



Good, by Jarrow


added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

It's not enough to feel without feeling good.

Why you should watch this

Jarrow is now two for two in making incredibly upbeat, happy, bouncy vids for Club Vivid that leave me grinning and bopping madly around, even later in my own living room. This is huge fun. I don't know the movie (although I think I have to do something about that), but I totally get the gist of it from this vid, and the gist is yay! Even though some people suck, because who cares about sucky people when the world is yay! *bops*

Where to find it



Happy Feet

Every Penguin Dance Now, by Mister Anderson


added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary


Why you should watch this

This is ridiculously cute and fun. Hee! The synching worked beautifully; I've never seen the movie, so now as far as I'm concerned, this vid *is* the movie. This is what those penguins were singing and dancing to. (And what they're still singing and dancing to in my head, every time I hear the song. Penguins in my *head*.)

Where to find it

Stream (Imeem)


Hercules: the Legendary Journeys

Live Till I Die, by Mary Crawford

(slash - Hercules/Iolaus)

added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

The many lives of Iolaus.

Why you should watch this

If anyone had told me someone was vidding H:tLJ to Frank Sinatra, I'd have rolled my eyes. Bad me -- this works freakishly well. It's all about pure joie de vivre, in the form of Iolaus, and leaves me grinning in delight every time I watch it.

Where to find it


Stream (Imeem)


Holding Out for a Hero, by Mary Crawford

(... er. Yay?)

added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

The Widow Twanky demands perfection! And she will seek it out, even if that means personally inspecting -- ahem.

Why you should watch this

Oh, the fabulousness of this vid. Okay, yes, this is traditionally one of the most over-vidded songs ever. But the earnest absurdity makes this work to a degree I can't even express. Run, do not walk, to check this out. Twanky!

(I am so very tempted to give this two snaps up in a circle. It is just that fabulous.)

(If you didn't get that, please don't tell me, it will only make me feel old. *g*)

Where to find it


Stream (Imeem)



Four Seasons in One Day, by Greensilver


added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

You can tell a man from what he has to say.

Why you should watch this

Oh, Nathan. This is his life -- his political career, his family, the balance between them, and his realization that in the end, it's his family -- especially Peter, but all of them -- that makes everything else possible, and makes everything worth it. I get a little more out of this every time I see it, and it is hands-down my favorite Nathan vid ever.

Where to find it


Stream (Imeem)


Stronger Forest, by kiki_miserychic


added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

A retrospective character study of season one Sylar.

Why you should watch this

The effects in this are either going to suck you in or drive you away. Me, they sucked in. The layering and jerkiness gave the impression that we were inside Sylar's head, which worked really well for me. I couldn't see/understand a lot of the visuals, but Sylar's crazy, and I don't want to understand what goes on in his head, so it's all good. There were spots where I wished the visuals were moving faster, but overall the pacing was solid and chilling.

Where to find it

Stream (Imeem)


The Wreckoning, by Charmax

(gen. ish.)

added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

Jessica pov. It's all about the jekyll & Hyde, the love/hate, the sub/dom, the protector/protected relationship of Niki and Jessica.

Why you should watch this

I have no idea if this will make sense if you haven't seen the show, given the nature of Niki and Jessica's relationship, but it's a very cool exploration of that relationship if you do know the show. Charmax's summary says it all, really.

Where to find it


Stream (Imeem)


One of a Kind, by obsessive24


added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

"I am One; I am, I am, I am." Sylar character, optional Sylar/Mohinder. Up to 1x18.

Why you should watch this

I knew I was going to love this from the opening shot, which is brilliant. The song is a perfect match for Sylar, both in lyrics and tone, framing his sociopathy and egomania. I need to watch this one a few more times, I think.

Where to find it


Stream (Imeem)



Clean, by Jill and Kay (remastered by Killa)


added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary


Why you should watch this

This is my favorite Methos character study ever. It's ten years old now, and it still looks completely fresh to my eyes. The cutting, the motion, the color, the emotion... wow. I love this vid so much.

Where to find it

(Site is password-protected - email a request, and an autoresponder will send you the password immediately.)


Changed the Locks, by the Media Cannibals

(slash - Duncan/Methos)

added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary


Why you should watch this

On the lighter side of things, we've got this one. Duncan is just so *resigned*, hee! He just can't shake Methos. For which all of HL slash fandom is intensely grateful. Poor baby. I hadn't seen this in years, so downloaded it when I noticed it had been remastered, and man, did it bring the HL love zooming back.

Where to find it


Stream (Imeem)


Holding Out for a Hero

what? Look, it just -- it needed its own section, okay?

Holding Out for a Hero, by Martouf Marty

Batman (live-action tv)

added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

The Dynamic Duo from Catwoman's POV.

Why you should watch this

I saw this at Club Vivid during Vividcon, and oh, the *joy* in that room! This is truly a thing of beauty. If you ever watched any of the 1960s tv show, you must watch this vid. *hearts*

Where to find it

Stream (Imeem)


Holding Out for a Hero, by Mary Crawford

Hercules: the Legendary Journeys
(... er. Yay?)

added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

The Widow Twanky demands perfection! And she will seek it out, even if that means personally inspecting -- ahem.

Why you should watch this

Oh, the fabulousness of this vid. Okay, yes, this is traditionally one of the most over-vidded songs ever. But the earnest absurdity makes this work to a degree I can't even express. Run, do not walk, to check this out. Twanky!

(I am so very tempted to give this two snaps up in a circle. It is just that fabulous.)

(If you didn't get that, please don't tell me, it will only make me feel old. *g*)

Where to find it


Stream (Imeem)


Homicide: Life on the Street

You, by Barkley


added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary


Why you should watch this

Oh. Oh, wow. Okay, you really need to have seen the show for this vid to make any sense at all, but if you have seen the show? OMG, this vid. This is Tim Bayliss, from day one to the very end. There is so much going on in this vid. This is stunning, and leaves me shattered every time I watch it. Watch it more than once, because I guarantee you you'll miss things the first time through.

Where to find it

(Site is password-protected, with hints on the entry page and an email addy to mail a request to if the hint isn't enough.)




Synergy, by Zulu

(slash, House/Wilson)

added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

House and Wilson are BFF, MFEO, and other acronyms.

Why you should watch this

I seriously never thought I'd rec a House vid, for a whole lotta reasons. And yet! Here I am, reccing a warm, wonderful vid that makes me ridiculously happy. It's got dawning (cranky) realization, discovery, angst, re-discovery, and a happy ending. They really are BFF and MFEO. I seriously just love this vid to bits.

Where to find it


Stream (Imeem)



Bank Shot, by Zen


added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

Skacore, con artists, and hugs.

Why you should watch this

Hee! This is so much fun; light and breezy and wonderful. They're con artists, see, and they take absolute delight in that fact, and all love each other a lot, and enjoy each other a lot, and trick people, and dance together, and run naked through the streets, and drink pink cocktails with umbrellas in, and it's all utterly, utterly charming. I've got to get hold of more eps.

Where to find it




No title


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