Speranza's Marvel/ous Fiction

Captain America

Ghost Story (53683 words, Steve/Bucky)
The realization dawned on him, irritating as fuck. "You're not here," Bucky said, stabbing a finger at Steve. "Fuck you, you're not real."
Mr Carter & Mr Potts (many pairings, 22386 words)
"Hi, honey: I'm bringing company home: Howard's son from the future!"
The Messrs Carter & Potts expansion pack (many pairings, 14692 words)
A 17-day Advent Calendar further expanding the already enormous world of Messrs. Carter and Potts.
This Has Already Happened written with Merry/Mollyamory (Steve/Bucky, Tony/Bruce, 7992)
"There are absolutely no circumstances in which I give the Time Stone to you," the Wizard gasps. "None. Nada. Zip. Choke on that, you sonofabitch."
Winter's Heart (5537 words, Steve/Bucky)
"Good morning, Soldier," and Steve opened his eyes and said, automatically, "Ready to comply."
Seashore (505 words, Steve/Bucky)
No Kind of Life (1995 words, Steve/Bucky)
"You know I have to do everything the hard way, Buck. It’s the fundamental fact of my nature.”
Slante mhaith (1180 words, Steve/Bucky)
For the December meme, Musesfool asked for Dec 31st: "Any New Year's Eve traditions for Steve and Bucky? Then? Now?" This ficlet is for her! Unbetaed and speed-written but from the heart. Happy 2019!
The Department of Special Collections (4,867 words, Steve/Bucky)
It was a messy thing of leather and papers and rope. It looked like Phillips had carelessly thrown a bunch of documents onto an old piece of black leather and then rolled the whole thing up and tied it . . . The papers inside were all different sizes, everything out of order and haphazardly stacked, like someone had been in a hurry and just grabbed it all.
The Stars They Sewed On Us (9,554 words, Steve/Bucky)
"Do you remember the time I was only Steve and you were only Bucky? Do you remember when we were only two boys from Brooklyn?"
In The Carcass Of The World (10,882 words, Steve/Bucky)
On the day the world ends, Steve Rogers is in an impregnable cell seventeen stories below Washington, DC.
The Hell You Don't (6,772 words, Steve/Bucky)
A bounty on Rogers' head. An unfamiliar Russian city. An assassin’s job. A mission gone wrong.
Through Cities and Churches (37259 words, Steve/Bucky)
"Bucky Barnes," Bucky managed, and now he looked scared as well as sick. "I mean, James Barnes, they call me Bucky. I'm nearly a hundred years old," he choked out, "if you can believe it, and my last confession was in 1944."
The Way Out Is The Way Down (17610 words, Steve/Bucky)
"We're alive in defiance of the law, now," Natasha said bitterly.
Down Into The Golden lands (9033 words, Steve/Bucky)
"Did he leave a forwarding address, the emigrating bastard? Steve Rogers, 50 Main Street, Valhalla?"
Coming and Going (6137 words, Steve/Bucky)
Steve covered the key with his hand and drew it toward himself. "I don't want to talk," he said.
The Fifties (26185 words, Steve/Bucky/Peggy)
"Because everything's all right, isn't it?" Bucky said. "Everything's great. I'm so happy; I never thought I could be this happy. You're happy, too, aren't you, Peg?"
20th Century Limited (52,010 words, Steve/Bucky)
"Where am I? Where is this?" and he was in Brooklyn, he was on a beach, the train was shaking around him. He was in the plane, ice splintering up onto the windshield. He was in a tank, tubes trailing from his face, from his groin. Christ, he was cold. There was still ice on his fingers. He was in the Grand Canyon. He was in Times Square. This couldn't be Times Square. Where the hell was this? "Tell me! Where am I, who are you, where's—" —Bucky?
The Real Thing (6383 words, Steve and Tony - not slash)
Tony talks dirty. Steve gets a nosebleed. This is not a Stony story.
Coming Out Party (1891 words, Bucky/Steve)
Written for the Bucky Barnes' birthday celebration on March 10, 2015!
Half of the History (We Shall Never Know) (36,675 words, Bucky/Steve, Bucky/Steve/Peggy, Bucky/Steve/Natasha)
This is a war story.
Your Lack of An Answer Is Kind of An Answer: Four Questions Natasha asked Steve Rogers, And One Time Bucky Barnes Answered (4490 words, Bucky/Steve)
"All right, I have a question for you. Oh, but you don't have to answer it. I feel like if you don't answer it though, you're kind of answering it, you know..."
4 Minute Window (24,127 words, Bucky/Steve)
"Look, if they catch me," Bucky muttered, "they're either going to kill me or they're going to put me in a box with a little window and--Steve, I can't."
The Second Time As Farce (1,071 words, Bucky/Steve)
A sequel to 4 Minute Window: It was nearly five years after Captain America disappeared (again) that the Captain America balloon debuted in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Yelp Page for Coney Island Design And Construction (Bucky/Steve)
A sequel to 4 Minute Window: an offsite link to the Yelp page for CIDS.
Scenes from a Marriage: The Kandinsky (9478 words, Bucky/Steve)
A sequel to 4 Minute Window: "Hey, we're a Brooklyn construction company," Barnes replied with a shrug. "We fix things--"
Scenes from a Marriage: The Studebaker (11489 words, Bucky/Steve)
A sequel to 4 Minute Window: "Steve, if you don't do this, you're going to regret it the rest of your life."
Third Time's The Charm (2,030 words, Bucky/Steve)
A sequel to 4 Minute Window: "Hey, I like the dog show," Steve protested.
Scenes from a Marriage: A Month of Sundays (11,547 words, Bucky/Steve)
An advent calander for 4 Minute Window, 2015.
The Tradeoff (6,299 words, Bucky/Steve)
A sequel to 4 Minute Window: "They've got him," Clint said finally. "He's hurt and they've got him. SHIELD has got him."
The Fourth Fool Me (2,235 words, Bucky/Steve)
A sequel to 4 Minute Window: "Hey, I like the dog show," Steve protested.
Scenes from a Marriage: The Long Road Home (19,657 words, Bucky/Steve)
An advent calander for 4 Minute Window, 2016.
Taking The Fifth (2,394 words, Bucky/Steve)
A Thanksgiving Story for 4 Minute Window, 2017.
Scenes from a Marriage: Hazy Days of Winter (15,026 words, Bucky/Steve)
An advent calander for 4 Minute Window, 2017.
At Sixes and Sevens (2,938 words, Bucky/Steve)
A Thanksgiving Story for 4 Minute Window, 2018.
Scenes from a Marriage: Mailbag (17,908 words, Bucky/Steve)
An advent calander for 4 Minute Window, 2018.
Eight Invitations (3345 words, Bucky/Steve)
A Thanksgiving Story for 4 Minute Window, 2019.
Scenes from a Marriage: Captain America At Home (19239 words, Steve/Bucky)
An advent calander for 4 Minute Window, 2019.
9 Lives (8221 words, Bucky/Steve)
A Valentine Story for 4 Minute Window, 2021.
10 Kinds of Grateful (3376 words, Bucky/Steve)
A Thanksgiving Story for 4 Minute Window, 2021.
Scenes from a Marriage: Then and Now (16,414 words, Bucky/Steve)
An advent calander for 4 Minute Window, 2021.
All The Angels and The Saints (48,740 words, Bucky/Steve)
In which Steve Rogers loses God and finds God and loses God, and also: Bucky.
Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes (14371 words, Bucky/Steve)
His eyes were dark and unreadable: there was only a faint ring of blue around the pupils. He stared at Steve down the gun barrel and muttered: "Are you really my friend?"
Goodbye Piccadilly, Farewell Leicester Square (12714 words, Bucky/Steve)
Natasha wanted to tell him the whole story of wartime London and the pub and seeing who Steve Rogers was before he lost everything, and meeting The Winter Soldier only to find out that he was just a young charmer named Bucky Barnes.
What We Asked For From Each Other (10704 words, Bucky/Steve, Steve/Tony, Tony/Bruce)
"I don't like pain," he told Banner. "Or assassins. Or boyfriends, actually."
The Nightmare From Which I Am Trying To Awake (15,971 words) (Bucky/Steve)
"You gotta bring him in, Cap." Tony Stark, distant: on speakerphone. "You can come in to me, or you can go to--well, I don't know who else is left. But you gotta bring him in."


Fear and Loathing in Azgard (11,265 words) (Thor/Loki)
In which Loki loses the plot.

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